Monday 13 January 2014

El Libro!!!

Yo siempre he creido en el destino y en que las cosas pasan siempre por una razon, ayer sali a dar un paseo y cuando medio empezo a llover entre en el centro comercial cercano a mi casa para protegerme del chaparron , entre en la libreria y me fui directa a mi seccion favorita, los libros de cocina!!! tengo un monton de ellos, me encanta leerlos como quien lee novelas , de principio a fin, marco mis recetas favoritas (y las hago, eh? ) comparo unos con otros, estudio las fotos...bueno, el caso es que al llegar alli que es lo primeo que llama mi atencion? "French women don't get fat: the cookbook ", ni siquiera sabia que existia!! y encima rebajado a €9.99 :), por supuesto no podia dejarlo alli, asi que para casita se vino conmigo.

Me prepare un cafe calentito y me sente a disfrutarlo, esta lleno de recetas super apetecibles, asi que ya tengo mi lista de la compra hecha y me pondre manos a la obra esta misma semana, ya os ire contando!, ah y tambien trae consejillos y comentarios, lo que lo hace muy ameno
de leer.

I have always believed in destiny and that things always happen for a reason, yesterday I went out for a walk and when suddenly it started to rain I went inside my local shopping centre to escape from getting soaked. I went into the bookshop and straight to my favourite section "cookery books", I have loads of them, I love reading them as if they were novels, from the begining all the way until the end and try the new recipes. Well, the thing is that the first thing that caught my eye, there, on top of the shelf was "The French Women don't get Fat Cookbook" !!, I didn't even know there was such a thing, and to make things better it was on sale at €9.99 so, of course, I had to buy it and there it came home with me.

I made myself a nice coffee back home and sat down to enjoy it. It is full of wonderful (and healthy) recipes, so I have already made my shopping list and I will start trying them this very same week and I will keep you updated! and there are also nice tips and little stories making it very entertainning to read.

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